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Blog / 09.02.24 /Nancy Durand

Spending Wisely: Balancing Operational Success and Donor Trust in Nonprofits

In the nonprofit world, every dollar counts. The funds that organizations raise are not just numbers on a balance sheet; they represent the trust and generosity of donors who believe in a mission. But what happens when questions arise about how those dollars are spent? A recent New York Times article titled “A Pattern of …

News / 01.12.23 /Nancy Durand

Join Nancy Durand and Nonprofit Westchester on February 16, 2023 to discuss the top legal and governance issues for nonprofits.

Nancy Durand will be joined by Maurice Segall, the Director of the NY & Fairfield County Program at Pro Bono Partnership. The discussion will be held virtually on February 16th, 2023 from 9:00-10:30 AM. The talk is free for NPW members. Non-NPW members will have to pay $15.00 to register. Click here to register.

Blog / 12.27.21 /Nancy Durand

Looking Toward 2022: A Legal Year-end Review For Companies And Nonprofits

Nancy Durand encourages organizations to take some time during this last week of 2021 to do a little self-reflection. What did you do well in 2021? What could have been done better or differently? What do you hope to accomplish in 2022? As you undergo this self-reflection process, consider the following legal priorities: CLICK HERE …

Blog / 02.08.21 /Nancy Durand

New York Appellate Court Recognizes Private Right of Action for Nonprofit Employees Against Employers who Violate Whistleblower Protections Under Section 715-b of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law

Section 715-b of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law (the “NPCL”) requires nonprofits with 20 or more employees and annual revenues in excess of one million dollars to adopt an explicit whistleblower policy to protect from retaliation persons who report suspected improper conduct. Nonprofits with fewer than 20 employees or with annual revenues lower than $1,000,000 do …

Blog / 10.13.20 /Nancy Durand

Board Governance Series – Part I of V

How to Build an Effective Board of Directors Part I: Know Your Role Congratulations, you are a new member of the board of directors. Now what? Often directors are thrown into the proverbial hot [board] seat without an understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Misunderstanding the board’s role or directors’ duties produces a dysfunctional board, …

News / 10.06.20 /Nancy Durand

Webinar: Best Practices to Avoid Breach of Fiduciary Duty Liability

Register HERE to join Nancy Durand, Special Counsel on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 12pm as she presents in the webinar sponsored by New York Council of Nonprofits Inc. “Join NYCON corporate ally, Smith Buss & Jacobs as they guide us through the best practices to avoid fiduciary duty liability. In this webinar they will …

News / 10.06.20 /Nancy Durand

Upcoming Board Governance Series: How to Build an Effective Board of Directors

Being a board member of a nonprofit entity is an awesome responsibility undertaken by volunteers (often with other full-time commitments) who are driven by a desire to contribute meaningfully to their community, industry, or society at large. Whether you serve on the board of a nonprofit corporation, foundation, or housing entity, you are a fiduciary …

Blog / 10.06.20 /Nancy Durand

Board Governance Series How to Build an Effective Board of Directors

Being a board member of a nonprofit entity is an awesome responsibility undertaken by volunteers (often with other full-time commitments) who are driven by a desire to contribute meaningfully to their community, industry, or society at large. Whether you serve on the board of a nonprofit corporation, foundation, or housing entity, you are a fiduciary …

Blog / 08.26.20 /Nancy Durand

Conducting Internal Investigations: What You Need to Know

by Nancy Durand On Thursday, August 20, 2020, Smith Buss & Jacobs’ attorney, Nancy Durand, presented a webinar entitled “How to Effectively Conduct an Internal Investigation: A Practical Guide.” In case you missed it, here’s what you need to know. An internal investigation can serve as an important tool for responding to incidents of suspected …

News / 08.14.20 /Nancy Durand

Webinar: How to Effectively Conduct an Internal Investigation

On August 20th, Special Counsel, Nancy Durand gave a webinar “How to Effectively Conduct an Internal Investigation” where she will discuss strategies for investigating workplace misconduct and other allegations. This webinar was hosted by The Knowledge Group. For more information contact: Nancy Durand

Blog / 03.11.20 /Nancy Durand

Nonprofit Update: The New York SHIELD Act – The Top 5 Things You Need to Know

Nonprofit organizations are reminded that under the New York Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (SHIELD) Act, they have until March 21, 2020 to develop and implement a data security program that contains reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards for protecting against unauthorized access to private information of New York residents. Here are five …

News / 03.02.20 /andNancy Durand

WVOX Interview with Jacob Amir & Nancy Durand

Jacob Amir and Nancy Durand discuss the firm and their work in Westchester County with the Business Council of Westchester.

News / 01.08.20 /Nancy Durand

Firm News

Nancy Durand won an appeal on behalf of a local municipality in a proceeding pursuant to General Municipal Law § 50-e(5), for leave to serve a late notice of claim. The City appealed from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, which granted a motion to renew a petition for leave to serve a …

Blog / 10.29.19 /Nancy Durand

The Johnson Amendment Finds Refuge Under New York Law

On October 23, 2019, Governor Cuomo signed legislation that restricts the ability of certain nonprofit corporations to participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or against a candidate for public office. The new legislation codifies the federal Johnson Amendment, which is a provision in the U.S. tax code that prohibits all 501(c)(3) …